• Oil Pulling to Promote Oral Health

    Can Swishing Oil In Your Mouth Promote Oral Health?

    If you do a search online for alternative ways to promote dental care, strong gums and healthy teeth, apart from regular check ups with your dentist, one of the most talked about is the practice of oil pulling.

    Oil pulling is about as old as medicine itself having been used as an Ayurvedic medicine in ancient India over 3000 years ago. Its rise in popularity in recent times is due in part to Dr. F Karach M.D., an Ayurvedic medical practitioner, who has espoused oil pulling as an effective means to detoxify the body and prevent disease. There have also been several celebrities who have spoken about the benefits of oil pulling including Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Australian model, Miranda Kerr.

    An important point to make is that the oil in oil pulling is not any old oil, so don’t worry that you are going to take a mouthful of engine oil out of your car. Instead, it is vegetable oil, and the one most recommended for oil pulling is organic coconut oil.